About the artist St. Michael im Lungau 1887 – 1923 Wien
Designed by Dagobert Peche, Vienna, 1922
Executed by Max Welz for Wiener Werkstätte, model no. WW 16
Dimensions H 53 cm, W 43 cm/H 20.9 in, W 16.9 in
Material Carved, lacquered and gilded limewood, minor damages, excellent original condition
Provenance private collection, Sweden
Literature Max Eisler, Gerlach & Wiedling, 1925, Das Kunsthandwerk in Einzeldarstellungen, vol. 1, Dagobert Peche, p. 52; Wiener Werkstätte archives at the Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna, design drawing inv. no. WWE 108-2, model no. WW 16; a contemporary photograph is preserved in the Wiener Werkstätte photographic archives at the Austrian Museum of Applied Arts (MAK), Vienna, inv. no. KI 8692-2-2; L'Autriche à l’Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes, Paris, 1925, exhibition catalogue, Vienna 1925, ill. p. 71

Dagobert Peche used this model to equip the living room of Wilhelm (Wolko) Gartenberg’s Viennese apartment. The model was presented at the International Exhibition in Paris in 1925 and is also in the holdings of Neue Galerie New York.

Sincere thanks to Dr. Anne-Katrin Rossberg of Museum of Applied Arts (MAK) Vienna for this information.


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EXTRAORDINARY MIRROR ⋅ DAGOBERT PECHE ⋅ Peche Dagobert ⋅ Dagobert Peche, Vienna, 1922

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