Born 1867 in Vienna
Austrian painter
Son of the sculptor Rudolf Sagmeister, student at the Vienna Academy and of Karl u Franz Jobst. Altarpieces a. o. in Dahle b. Sternberg, Moravia, in the Stegerkirche in Succa, Liechtenstein, in Maria Enzersdorf near Brünn a. G. a. in the Kirche am Hof in Vienna; wall paintings a. in the churches St. Joseph a. Neumargarethen in Vienna- Unteralberndorf. Collaborator on the work: Das Bauernhaus in Öst., Vienna 1903.
Ref.: Hans Vollmer Künstlerlexikon des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts, Vierter Band, VEB E.A. Seemann Verlag Leipzig, p.143