1894 Villach (Carinthia) – 1982 Puch near Hallein (Salzburg)
After attending the Vocational School for Wood and Stone Work in Hallein in 1912, Luise Spannring inscribed at the Vienna Kunstgewerbeschule [School of Arts and Crafts]. Her teachers were O. Strnad, A. Boehm, M. Powolny and F. Barwig. In 1919, when her work was first shown in the Austrian applied arts exhibition at the Austrian Museum for Arts and Industries, she became a member of the Wiener Werkstätte. In the 1920s she moved to Salzburg where she opened her own ceramic studio (there is documentary evidence confirming this up till 1954). In 1925, she took part in the Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes in Paris, where she was awarded a gold medal and in the exhibition Deutsche Frauenkunst; in 1928 she took part in exhibitions held at the Vienna Künstlerhaus. Spannring was a member of the Wassermann Artists’ Association and MAERZ. Numerous works by her are in the holdings of the Museum of Applied Arts and Leopold Museum, both in Vienna, as well as other national and international museums.